Friday, September 14, 2012

Pied Avocet, 3/25/2012

Heard that an Pied Avocet had arrived in Cingshuei Wetland, the birdwatching society went crazy. Every body went to Cingshuei Wetland to photograph this rare passage migrant in Taiwan, including me. When I arrived, lots of birdwatching fans were already there, with their big cannons - long-rang lense cameras. There were even more big cannons, which had already shot the Pied Avocet, on the nearby riverside waiting to shoot another rare bird - Black-necked Grebe (or Eared Grebe). Pied Avocet and Black-necked Grebe appearing in Cingshuei Wetland at the same time had become a big event in the birdwatching society this year. Unfortunately the Black-necked Grebe died after several days after its arrival, due to its mis-eating of some rubber bands. Rare things and rare birds don't come easy. Don't we think twice before we dump any garbage into the river, to avoid causing bad impact to the environment and the ecosystem?

taken on 3/25/2012

taken on 3/25/2012

taken on 3/25/2012

taken on 3/25/2012

video recorded on 3/25/2012

Chinese name:反嘴鴴
English name:Pied Avocet
Scientific name:Recurvirostra avosetta
Species status:Species
Conservation status:Least Concern
Migration status:Passage migrant in Taiwan
Frequency of appearance:Rare in Taiwan
Foods:Worms, lizards, insects
Altitude:Low altitude
Behavior:Appear alone or in flocks
Characteristics: General Characteristics: The whole body is mainly black and white. Bill is long, slim and black, with the bill end bended upward. Head is black. There are big black stripes along the outskirts of the wing. Tail end is black. Feet are slim, long and grayish blue. Males and females look similar.
Breeding places:Europe, temperate zones of Western Asia and Central Asia, North China and South China.
Migration destinations:Wintering in Africa or South Asia.
Time photographed:2012/3/25 11:30 am
Location found:Jinshan District, New Taipei City

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