Friday, September 21, 2012

Black-naped Oriole, 4/10/2012

Black-naped Orioles were first spotted nesting in Jingmei, Taipei City, several years ago. Since then they come back to Jingmei almost every year. This March they were spotted again. It is believed they are the descendents of the ones that were spotted several years ago. It is not until April, when the news came out, that many birdwatching fans carrying their big long-range lens rush to photograph the birds. Even after more than one month, it still attracts some fans with big long-range lens to take pictures every day.

People said there are about 20 subspecies of Black-naped Orioles in the world. According to one thesis I saw, Taiwanese Black-naped Orioles belong to a subspecies called Oriolus chinensis diffusus. But on the website of Endemic Species Research Institue of Council of Agriculture of Executive Yuan, Black-naped Oriole in Taiwan is described as a subspecies called Oriolus chinensis Linnaeus. I don't know which one is correct. One senior birdwatching fan said the ones found in Jingmei are from mainland China, not Taiwanese local subspecies. Some people said there are only about 200 Black-naped Orioles left in Taiwan, but some said there are about 800 left, less than Maroon Oriole. Black-naped Oriole is listed as endangered species by Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan in Taiwan.

Black-naped Oriole plumage is mainly bright yellow. Bill is pink. Iris is bloody red. The tail and the inner part of the wings are black. In Taiwan, they are either uncommon passage migrants from abroad or rare local birds.

video recorded on 4/10/2012 at Jingmei, Taipei City

Chinese name:黃鸝
English name:Black-naped Oriole
Scientific name:Oriolus chinensis
Species status:Species
Conservation status:IUCN lists it as Least Concern, but Taiwan listed it as "Class II Rare and Valuable Species".
Migration status:Taiwan local bird or passage migrant
Frequency of appearance:Rare in Taiwan
Foods:Insects, fruits
Altitude:Low altitude
Behavior:Appear alone
Characteristics: General Characteristics: Male bird body is mostly shiny yellow. Bill is pink. Iris is bloody red. Eyeline is black and extend to the back of the head to from a circle. Half of the wing is black and yellow. Tail is black. Feet are grayish blue. Female looks like male, but not as shiny.
Breeding places:East half of China, including Shanxi, Southwest Gansu, West Sichuan.
Migration destinations:India, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan
Time photographed:4/8/2012, 4/10/2012
Location found:Jingmei, Taipei City
Notes:It's estimated there are several hundreds Black-naped Orioles left in Taiwan.

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