Chinese name: | 白翅黑燕鷗 |
English name: | White-winged Black Tern, White-winged Tern |
Nickname: | |
Scientific name: | Chlidonias leucopterus |
Family: | LARIDAE |
Species status: | Species |
Conservation status: | Least Concern |
Migration status: | Most of them are passage migrants in Autumn and Spring, some Wintering individuals in Taiwan |
Frequency of appearance: | Common in Taiwan |
Foods: | fishes |
Habitat: | Sea shores, fishponds or shrimpponds |
Altitude: | Low altitude |
Behavior: | Often appear in flocks in sea chores, outlets of rivers, fishponds, wet farm fields. |
Characteristics: | General Characteristics: About 24 cm long. Summer plumage: Wing is mainly white. Wing lining is black. Bill and feet are red. Head, neck, breast and belly are black. Winter plumage: Wing is mainly white. Wing lining is white. Bill is black. Feet are grayish brown. Only head top, back neck and ear are black. Similar species: |
Breeding places: | Breeding in southwest Russia and south Russia, northern Kazakhstan, some areas of eastern Europe, northeast China. |
Migration destinations: | For those breeding in Russia and Kazakhstan, they winter in most area of Africa except part of area near Tropic of Cancer. For those breeding in China, they winter in the coastal area of Southeast Asia, the coastal area of southeast and south China, Taiwan, Indo-Pacific Islands, Australia, New Zealand, the coastal area of Sri Lanka and some part of India. |
Time photographed: | 9/23/2012 |
Location found: | Zhu'an Village, Ilan County, Taiwan |
Sources: | Internet |
Notes: |
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