Barn Swallows often fly, in flocks, fast and unorderly in the sky. They will use their bill to carry mud to build the nest. Usually they build their nest on the eaves of a house.
Taken on 7/11/2012 at Tianmu, Taipei City, Taiwan

Taken on 6/11/2011 at Zhuwei, New Taipei City, Taiwan

Taken on 6/5/2011 at Guandu, Taipei City, Taiwan

Video, Taken on 7/11/2012 at Tianmu, Taipei City, Taiwan
Video, Taken on 6/5/2011 at Guandu, Taipei City, Taiwan
Chinese name: | 家燕 |
English name: | Barn Swallow |
Nickname: | |
Scientific name: | Hirundo rustica |
Order: | Passeriformes |
Family: | Hirundinidae |
Species status: | Species |
Conservation status: | Least Concern |
Migration status: | Most of them are either common passage migrants in Autumn and Spring or migratory birds in Summer. Few of them are uncommon Taiwan local birds. |
Frequency of appearance: | Common or uncommon in Taiwan |
Foods: | Insects |
Habitat: | Sky, electric wires, eaves, cliffs |
Altitude: | Low to mid-altitudes |
Behavior: | Often appear in flocks in the sky, on electric wires and eaves. |
Characteristics: |
General Characteristics: About 17 cm long. Forehead and throat are reddish brown. Breast and belly are white. There is a blueish black ring on upper breast. The back is black, with blue shine. The tail is split Summer plumage: Winter plumage: Similar species: |
Breeding places: | It breeds almost all over Europe, Asia, North America, the inland highland of central and northern Mexico, except artic area, antartic area, mid-sea islands, Indian sub-continent, Southeast Asia, Arizona and the southeast corner of California of the United States. Asia species breed in northern Asia, central Asia, Middle East, Siberia, Mongolia, China(except southwestern China), Korean Peninsula and Japan. |
Migration destinations: | Asia species wintering in Indian sub-continent, southwestern China, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Timor-Leste, Philippines, Taiwan, the coastal area of northern and northeastern Australia. |
Time photographed: | 6/5/2011, 6/11/2011, 7/11/2012 |
Location found: | Zhuwei District, New Taipei City/Tianmu District, Taipei City/Guandu, Taipei City |
Sources: | Internet |
Notes: |
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