Ruddy Turnstones are common passage migrants or uncommon winter migratory birds in Taiwan. They will turn stones around and search for foods under the stones. That's why they are called "turnstone".
photographed on 5/15/2012, at Watzuwei Nature Reserve area, Bali District, New Taipei City

photographed on 5/15/2012, at Watzuwei Nature Reserve area, Bali District, New Taipei City

Video recorded on 5/15/2012, at Watzuwei Nature Reserve area, Bali District, New Taipei City
Chinese name: | 翻石鷸 |
English name: | Ruddy Turnstone |
Nickname: | |
Scientific name: | Arenaria interpres |
Order: | Charadriiformes |
Family: | Scolopacidae |
Species status: | Species |
Conservation status: | Least Concern. |
Migration status: | Common passage migrant or uncommon winter migratory bird in Taiwan |
Frequency of appearance: | Common or uncommon in Taiwan |
Foods: | Insects, mollusks |
Habitat: | Wetlands, outlets of rivers, mudflats of sea shores |
Altitude: | Low altitude |
Behavior: | Often appear alone in mudflats of sea shores, wetlands and outlets of rivers. They will turn the stones in search of foods. That's why they are called Ruddy Turnstone. |
Characteristics: |
General Characteristics: About 23 cm long. Summer Plumage: Face, throat and belly are white. Breast is black. Under part is white. There are wide black stripes on face, neck and breast, looking like a jigsaw puzzle. Its black bill is short. Feet are orange. Wing and tail are mainly black mixed with maroon. There are thin black stripes on head top. Winter Plumage: Color is lighter. Wing and tail are grayish black, with light maroon on edges. Similar species: |
Breeding places: | Worldwide. Eastern Asia species breed in Siberia and the Artic Circle. |
Migration destinations: | Wintering in Eastern Asia species winter in southern China, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand. |
Time photographed: | 5/15/2012 |
Location found: | Bali District, New Taipei City |
Sources: | Internet |
Notes: |
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