video recorded at YehLiu GeoPark, New Taipei City, Taiwan, on 10/19/2012
Chinese name: | 灰背鶇 |
English name: | Grey-backed Thrush |
Nickname: | |
Scientific name: | Turdus hortulorum |
Order: | Passeriformes |
Family: | Turdidae |
Species status: | Species |
Conservation status: | Least Concern |
Migration status: | Passage migrants in Autumn and Spring, or Wintering individuals in Taiwan |
Frequency of appearance: | Rare in Taiwan |
Foods: | Insects, seeds, fruits |
Habitat: | Broad-leaved forests, bushes, brushwoods |
Altitude: | Low altitude |
Behavior: | Often appear alone in bushes or brushwoods. |
Characteristics: | General Characteristics: About 22 cm long. The upperpart is gray with light copper. Bill is grayish black. Throat is grayish white with grayish vertical black stains. Breast is light gray with grayish black stains. Belly is light gray. Side belly is orange. Feet are yellowish orange. Summer plumage: Winter plumage: Similar species: |
Breeding places: | Most of them breed in southeastern Russia and northeastern China. Rare individuals breed in Korean Peninsula. |
Migration destinations: | Wintering in southeastern China, Hong Kong, Macao, Viet Nam, Taiwan, etc. |
Time photographed: | 10/19/2012 |
Location found: | YehLiu GeoPark, New Taipei City, Taiwan |
Sources: | Internet |
Notes: |
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