Thursday, September 20, 2012

Brown Shrike, 4/7/2012

The Brown Shrike has been stably appeared in CKS Memorial Hall, Taipei City, for the last two years. But only one or two birds were spotted. In Taiwan, most of the Brown Shrikes are common winter migratory birds. Some are local species. They migrate in great amount from Northeast China, Central China or Korea to Philippines, Brunei, and other places in September every year, passing by Hengchun Peninsula of Taiwan. In the past when animal protection is ignored in Taiwan, Hengchun Peninsula is a famous place to buy delicious fried Shrikes. Now it has become a thing of the past.

Taken at CKS Memorial Hall, Taipei City.

Taken at CKS Memorial Hall, Taipei City.

Taken at CKS Memorial Hall, Taipei City.

Taken at CKS Memorial Hall, Taipei City.

Male video recorded at CKS Memorial Hall, Taipei City.

Male video recorded at NTU Farm - Ankeng Branch, New Taipei City.

Male video recorded at NTU Farm - Ankeng Branch, New Taipei City.

Chinese name:紅尾伯勞
English name:Brown Shrike
Scientific name:Lanius cristatus
Species status:Species
Conservation status:IUCN lists it as Least Concern, but Taiwan lists it as "Class III Other Conservation-Deserving Wildlife".
Migration status:Winter migratory bird or passage migrant in Taiwan
Frequency of appearance:Common in Taiwan
Habitat:Grasslands, parks, woods
Altitude:Low altitude
Behavior:Appear alone
Characteristics: General Characteristics: The female breast looks like fish scale structure, but the male doesn't. They like to stand on top of the tree branches or poles.
Breeding places:From Northeast China to Central China, Korea.
Migration destinations:Wintering in South China, Taiwan, Philippine, Brunei, Celebes, Malay Peninsula, etc. Appear in west Taiwan September through May next year. Move south in great amount in September, passing Hengchun Peninsula.
Time photographed:3/30/2011, 3/1/2012, 4/7/2012
Location found:CKS Memorial Hall of Taipei City, NTU Farm - Ankeng Branch of New Taipei City

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